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Educational Model

At the heart of Proctor’s educational model lies a belief that learning happens best at the intersection of individualized academics and experiential opportunities within a strong, nurturing community.

This is what Proctor does in the classroom, on off-campus programs, in dormitories, advisories, in the arts, and on athletic teams. We understand that it is at this intersection that students are empowered to be creative, resilient, and knowledgeable problem solvers who care about their communities. 

By redefining academic rigor as the process through which students push themselves beyond their comfort zones, students and faculty learn just how important trust is to learning. Honors and advanced placement courses complement non-traditional classes and challenging off-campus programs, allowing students and teachers to form relationships around shared interests. Formal on-campus academic support takes place in Proctor’s Learning Skills program, but it is the informal support provided by teachers who offer extra help sessions at breakfast, in their dormitories or in their classrooms in the evening that further emphasizes self-advocacy skills, and encourages academic risk taking.

Because we are challenging, we are also supportive. 

Student and Faculty in Math Class

Academics at Proctor 

With over 135 courses and an integrated Academic Concentrations Program, Proctor’s academic curriculum provides both the breadth and depth for students to find and explore their passions.

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Learning Skills

Integrated Academic Support

Formal on-campus academic support in the Learning Skills program combined with informal support by teachers living alongside their students creates a web of support and connectivity.

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Students at Bog

Experiential Learning

Live to Learn, Learn to Live is not just our motto, it is the north star of Proctor’s educational model. We know we learn best when our hands are dirty, our hearts are full, and our minds are challenged.

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Equity and Belonging

 A pillar of Proctor’s educational model, equity and belonging transcends every classroom, advisory conversation, athletic engagement, and residential life experience.

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Students at Cabin

Environmental Stewardship

We don’t just teach environmental stewardship at Proctor, we live it. Proctor’s Environmental Mission guides curriculum, thinking, building construction, and all that we do with our students.

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College Counseling

College Counseling

Proctor’s personalized College Counseling program strives to expand students’ knowledge of and engagement in the college and gap year process.

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Technology at Proctor

A leader in integrating technology seamlessly into the learning environment, Proctor was one of the first schools to deploy a campus-wide network and establish a full-time internet connection. We have not stopped innovating since. Learn more about Proctor’s Technology Department HERE


Lovejoy Library and Resources

One of the most open and freely accessible spaces on campus, the library provides an arena for individual and group study, research, reflection and peer tutoring. Learn more about how the Lovejoy Library supports Proctor’s educational model HERE

Educational Model

Personalized academic instruction and hands-on experiences, all within a supportive and caring community at Proctor Academy
Learning and the Brain: The Job of a Teacher

Our faculty's deep dive into Neuroteach this winter has illuminated critical dos and don'ts in teaching. What emerged most powerfully from our discussions is the need to consistently check for student understanding: frequent low-stakes assessments, helping students self-assess, utilizing reteaching loops, ensuring every student works until they understand, and refusing to settle for low-effort grades.

Read More about Learning and the Brain: The Job of a Teacher