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Preparing for Launch: When We Feel Our Why

Scott Allenby

There are few jobs that are as emotionally demanding AND rewarding as serving as an educator. Today’s opening meetings led by Interim Head of School Steve Wilkins reminded us of our history, deep commitment to Proctor, remarkable longevity of employees, and, most importantly, that our why lives in the hearts and minds of our students and their growth.

Proctor Academy Faculty

As we distributed colored bandanas by era of which Head of School hired us (Fowler, Wilkins, Henriques, Thomas, Wilkins Part Deux), we saw a visual representation of the generational commitment to making Proctor the very best it can be. It is a shared commitment, whether you have been an employee for two weeks or 43 years (Jane Walker, Housekeeping), that asks us to always operate from a place of continual development. Just as we ask our students to embrace a growth mindset as learners, so, too, must we, as an institution, walk forward in both confidence and humility.

Proctor Academy Faculty

Every institution has seasons, and as we launch the school year with amazingly talented new faces (read more about our new faculty and staff here) and new leadership (Steve as Head of School and Annie MacKenzie as Assistant Head of School), we have the unique opportunity to see our work as a school through a fresh lens. Steve shared in his opening remarks observations about all that has changed since he and Sarah served as leaders of Proctor (1995-2005), reminding us how remarkable this place is and how bold our mission is. He exclaimed, “Proctor dares to do what no other independent school does: to blend a high level of integrated academic support with a rigorous academic program, off-campus experiences, and amazing arts and athletics all within a supportive community that deeply knows and loves each student.”

Proctor Academy Faculty

Our “why” is bold. Its boldness brings with it added operational complexities, and yet it is this same boldness that allows us to believe, without hesitation, that it is absolutely critical for Proctor to exist in the world.

Proctor Academy Faculty

What an amazing group of Proctor Alumni currently working as faculty and staff! 

Today, we not only were reminded of our why from an intellectual lens, but felt it. We felt it in the hugs we shared with our colleagues we have not seen all summer. We felt it in the caffeine infused in our coffee and snacks provided by Ian and Lori. We felt it in the pride of those employees recognized for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 35(!) years of service. We felt it as we held a moment of silence for a student who was recently in a horrible accident. We felt it as we wrestled with how to best deliver Proctor’s highly relational educational model while understanding, teaching, and modeling effective boundaries with students. We felt it in Buz Morison’s P’12,’14 heartfelt reflection on his Summer Enrichment. And we will most certainly feel it when we welcome students to campus in a few short days. Here’s to an amazing year ahead!

Proctor Academy Faculty

Check out our Enrollment Essentials website as you prepare for the new year! 

  • Community and Relationships
  • Professional Development