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A mission in action.We don’t just teach environmental stewardship at Proctor, we live it. Proctor’s Environmental Mission Statement has guided the school’s building projects, implementation of renewable energy sources on campus, adoption of single stream recycling, and lifestyle choices as a community. We seek to leverage student engagement through classes, Project Period, and afternoon activities to find innovative, local solutions to global problems. We actively manage Proctor’s 2,500 acre woodlot, and study our forest and the Proctor Pond in an effort to help students understand the longitudinal health of our natural resources. We capture electrons with solar panels, a project researched and initiated by students, work actively to reduce, reuse, and recover resources in order to reduce our impact on the environment.

Proctor’s Environmental Mission 

The Proctor Woodlands

The Proctor Woodlands serve as an integral part of the educational, ecological and fiscal aspects of the school. The lands encompass approximately 2,500 acres of woodlands, fields, and associated wetlands. Lands are managed under the principles of multiple use, encompassing fish and wildlife habitat, forest lands, soil and water resources, and aesthetics/spiritual values. 

Powered by the Sun

Proctor’s extensive investment in solar production on campus has allowed the school to produce nearly a third of all electric consumption through on-campus solar panels. Check out Proctor’s solar production in action:

Farrell Field House
Brown Dining Commons
Day Care Center
Burbank Dorm
Recording Studio 
Mike Henriques and Betsy Paine Outdoor Center
Head of School's House 
Alan Shephard Boat House
Teddy Maloney ‘88 Hockey Rink
Proctor Ski Area
Wilkins Meeting House
Woodlands Center

SolarLog public:
Ice Rink
Ski Area

SolRenView public:
Meeting House

Student Engagement in Environmental Stewardship

Students at Pond

Academic Courses

Across all disciplines, faculty seek to weave environmental themes into their academic courses. Whether it is studying the evolution of the climate economy in Economics class, reading environmental literature in English class, or diving deep into environmental issues in AP Environmental Science or Forest Ecology, students come to understand that the stewardship of the natural world is not a compartmentalized action, but rather a way of life.



Proctor Environmental Action (PEA)

Proctor Environmental Action is a student-run club that strives to educate the community on environmentally responsible practices and raise awareness of global challenges and opportunities. Action is the key word here. Students involved do not just identify problems, they strive to find and implement solutions. In doing so those past PEA members have invigorated the environmental mission by changing the school culture. PEA Initiatives have included the elimination of cafeteria tray use (which reduced food waste by 11%), refusal to purchase bottled water as an institution, streamlining of Proctor’s recycling service, and involvement in the creation of Proctor’s Environmental Mission Statement.

Earth Day

Earth Day at Proctor

Proctor's Earth Day celebration is about fostering deeper awareness of environmental issues while celebrating all that we have accomplished in recent years. Through a full day of workshops, guest speakers, and action projects, students recognize and appreciate the scope of environmental issues and demonstrate awareness and understanding of positive, creative and innovative efforts made to solve global issues. Earth Day's educational goals are to provide a variety of experiential learning activities that will increase appreciation, elevate awareness, and/or deepen understanding of social, economic and ecological aspects of environmental issues and systems, so that community members can make informed decisions. Learn more about our most recent Earth Day celebration here!


A Timeline of Institutional Commitment to the Environment

Proctor’s long-standing institutional commitment to environmental sustainability is evidenced by these recent projects:

Environmental Stewardship

Hands-on environmental learning & sustainable campus practices, engaging students in sustainability at Proctor Academy