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Proctor’s only term-long off-campus program available to 10th graders, Proctor en Monteverde affords between four and six sophomores the opportunity to study abroad in Monteverde, Costa Rica during the winter and spring trimesters. 

One of the most ecologically diverse areas in the world, Monteverde provides unparalleled learning opportunities ranging from planting trees for reforestation to constructing farm related engineering projects such as irrigation systems or bio-digesters for methane production, all while students continue to pursue their sophomore level science, humanities, math, and Spanish classes with native Costa Rican educators. 

Students live with host families in the town of Monteverde, engage in arts and afternoon activities in the local community, and earn a full year’s worth of Spanish credit for their cultural immersion experience. Explore life as a Proctor student in Monteverde in the blog posts below. 

Proctor en Monteverde

Proctor Academy 10th-grade off-campus program in Monteverde, Costa Rica offers immersive ecological learning and cultural experience

It has always been very hard for me to step out of my comfort zone, and this experience has proven that as a bigger challenge than I would have expected. One thing I can say for certain is this program has taught me so much about the world, Spanish, Costa Rica, and myself. Since I started at Proctor, I have thought about how my shell was like concrete, and Proctor has helped me break out, one experience at a time. My term in Costa Rica didn’t just help me put a crack in my shell, but more of a hole! - Bella ‘22


Courses and Credits

While studying in Monteverde, students earn the following academic credits: 

  • Spanish Intensive (3 Credits) 
  • Sophomore Math (1 Credit) 
  • Sophomore English (1 Credit) 
  • Sophomore History (1 Credit) 
  • Rainforest Biology (1 Credit) 
  • Host Family Skills Credit 

Contact Info

To learn more about Proctor en Monteverde, contact program directors Melanie Maness or Lindsay Brown

Off-Campus Programs: A Step Beyond Comfort

Off-campus programs at Proctor represent our belief that transformative learning occurs when students exist in that delicate space between comfort and challenge, with one foot firmly planted outside their comfort zone.

Proctor Academy Study Abroad Costa Rica

For the six sophomores studying abroad in Monteverde, Costa Rica this spring, their time with host families and living immersed in Costa Rican culture is nearly complete. In this week's blog, Amena '26 shares reflections and Sophie '26 a video blog about their recent adventures.

Proctor Academy Study Abroad Costa Rica

Living with host families, continuing in their tenth grade courses, and immersing themselves in Costa Rican culture affords a powerful learning opportunity that very few high school sophomores around the country have the good fortune to experience.

Proctor Academy Study Abroad Costa Rica

From living with a host family, to studying Spanish and rainforest ecology, to being fully immersed in Costa Rican culture, Lulu ‘26, Magnus ‘26, Nicola ‘26, Sophie ‘26, Maisy ‘26, and Evie ‘26 are experiencing a life-changing term abroad.

Proctor en Monteverde Costa Rica Study Abroad

For the six Proctor students studying in Monteverde, this term is an opportunity to live with a host family, immerse themselves in the Costa Rican culture, earn a year’s worth of Spanish credit, and continue studying their sophomore-level courses is a once in a lifetime experience.

Proctor Academy Off-Campus programs

Proximate learning does not occur without risk, but it is in those moments when students are living their education alongside the issues they are studying that worldviews are transformed.


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