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Welcome to The Proctor Academy Parent Association: PAPA

The Proctor Academy Parent Association (PAPA) is a service organization dedicated to supporting the school's students, faculty, administration, and staff. In pursuit of this mission, PAPA relies on parent volunteerism to achieve its mission. Opportunities to volunteer are many, diverse, and fun!

PAPA Steering Committee members are an available resource to parents, and you may contact them at any time with questions, thoughts, or suggestions. General meetings of PAPA are held throughout the school year. All parents or legal guardians of Proctor students are active members of PAPA and are invited to attend. Parents are encouraged to be active participants at Proctor! Need help? Contact Debbie Krebs, PAPA Liaison, by email or (603) 735-6721.

The Proctor Student Handbook is a valuable resource. Look for an updated handbook each August. In addition, please be sure to read the Parent Page, which is emailed each Friday during the school year. Report any email address changes or additions to our Technology Help Desk Team. We look forward to seeing you on campus! 

Get Involved!

Learn how you can get involved with activities on campus by clicking on the links below to sign up to volunteer with the following opportunities:

*If you live out of the area and would like to mail food or other items for an event, please send to the attention of Debbie Krebs to ensure it reaches your intended event.

Sign up today to get involved! Click on any of the PAPA sponsored activities above to signup!  Please email Debbie Krebs with any questions you may have about volunteering.

PAPA Committees and Volunteer Engagements

Parent Page Newsletters

Each Friday, our Communications Team shares a comprehensive newsletter with parents. Send updated email addresses to Ellen Hackemann at Please add to your email Address Book. If you use a spam filter program, please assign this address a status of 'safe' or 'trusted.' 

Parent to Parent Advice

Tips for Day Student Parents

Learning and the Brain: The Job of a Teacher

Our faculty's deep dive into Neuroteach this winter has illuminated critical dos and don'ts in teaching. What emerged most powerfully from our discussions is the need to consistently check for student understanding: frequent low-stakes assessments, helping students self-assess, utilizing reteaching loops, ensuring every student works until they understand, and refusing to settle for low-effort grades.

Read More about Learning and the Brain: The Job of a Teacher

    Proctor Academy Parent Association

    Proctor Academy Parent Association (PAPA): Supporting students, faculty, and staff through volunteerism. Get involved today!